Sons and Daughters of the Aurora

Aurora 001

The sleds were singing their eternal lament to the creaking of the harnesses and the tinkling bells of the leaders; but the men and dogs were tired and made no sound.

The trail was heavy, and they had come far. Darkness was coming on, but there was no camp to pitch that night


“An Odyssey of the North” / Jack London 

On the Braeburn Trail / Yukon


Aurora 002

A daughter of the Snows


Aurora 003

“Each dog has a precise role. The dog can be a lead, swing, team or wheel dog. You want to have a strong dog in the lead for difficult climbs, a speedy dog for the quick dashes. The right individuals get the right jobs. But there are over 87 billion possibilities to find the dog's right position on a tow line.”

Frank Turner / Yukon Quest champion / Muktuk Kennels / Yukon

Raven 004

In true northern spirit!

Siwash Kennels



Aurora 005

The most dangerous of all hazards on the trail was the chance of breaking through a snow bridge or rotten ice and falling into open water. If the water was deep and the current fast, the musher and the dogs were goners.

Lost Patrol / Dick North / Milepost 150 / Dempster Highway

In memoriam of Bruce Johnson whom I met in Atlin and who broke through the ice

Aurora 006

Young and alert - a coming leader

Siwash kennels

Aurora 007

…. Then Malemute Kid, cup in hand, and glanced at the greased paper window, where the frost stood full three inches thick. ”A health to the man on trail this night; may his grub hold out; may his dogs keep their legs; may matches never miss  fire!"…..

“Man on the trail” / Jack London

Aurora 008

The veteran

Dawson / Yukon

Aurora 009

Wolf-sable & white

Muktuk Kennels / Yukon

Aurora 010

“No more conversation; the toil of the trail will not permit such extravagance. And of all deadening labours, that of the Northland trail is the worst. Happy the one who can weather a day's travel at the price of silence, and that of a beaten track.”

Son of the wolf / Jack London

Aurora 011

As darkness came on, the hunting cries to right and left and rear drew closer - so close that more than once they sent surges of fear through the dog teams, throwing them into short-lived panics.

White Fang / Jack London

Dawson Overland Trail / Yukon

Aurora 012

Dawson Trail


Aurora 013

Somewhere to the north a wolf howled; lightly, questioningly. I knew the voice for I heard it many times before in my vision. It was the great she-wolf, sounding out the wasteland for an echo from missing members of the family.

Never Cry Wolf / Farley Mowat

Takhini River / Yukon

Aurora 014

The law of life

Muktuk Kennels / Yukon

Aurora 015

“I demand that neither hardship, suffering, privation, nor fear of death should move you by a hair's breadth from carrying out your duties”

Sir G.A.French / First Commissioner of the North-West Mounted Police / 1873

Muktuk Kennels / Yukon

Aurora 016

Where the musher stands, not against the land

But against unspoken fear

The bitter cold and the loneliness

And silence that hurts to hear!


Yukon Quest Race 1986




Aurora 017

Love and passion

Muktuk Kennels / Yukon

Aurora 018

Yukon Quest trail


Aurora 019

Arctic hunter

Siwash Kennels

Aurora 020

Even a journey of a thousand miles has to begin with a single step

Yukon Quest race / 1000 miles between Whitehorse (Yukon) and Fairbanks (Alaska)

Aurora 021

Dogsleding exists at the intersection of chaos and skill.

If the team is not in sync, a dogsled can feel like a body with 13 minds

Rasmus Jørgensen / Sirius dogsled patrol / Greenland

Aurora 022

To Corporal W.J.D. Dempster

“You will leave tomorrow morning for a patrol over the Fort McPherson trail, to locate the whereabouts of Inspector Fitzgerald's party”

Superintendent A.E. Snyder, B Division, RCMP

The Lost Patrol / Dick North

Dick signed the book at the milepost # 240 on the Dempster Highway / August 22, 1982